YouJun Hu (胡友俊) [CV]
Associate research fellow, Plasma Physics
Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Tel: 86-551-65593246
Computational plasma physics.
I am currently working on particle simulation of tokamak turbulence. In the past several years, I worked on energetic particles and MHD modes interaction in tokamak plasmas. I developed a toroidal MHD eigenvalue code calculating the frequency and mode structure of Alfven eigenmodes in general tokamak geometry. I also worked on the physics of noniductive current drive in tokamak plasmas. I studied the influence of electron-electron collision model on the rf current drive efficiency. I developed a Fokker-Planck code to simulate the lower-hybrid current drive physics using fully relativistic collision operator.
The following figures visualize magnetic field lines on tokamak magnetic surfaces with different values of safety factor q.
Fig. Magnetic field lines on q=1/10 magnetic surface (upper left), q=1/2 magnetic surface (upper right), q=1 magnetic surface (middle left), q=2 magnetic surface (middle right), q=3 magnetic surface (lower left), and q=4 magnetic surface (lower right). Source codes for producing these figures: and torus.sketch.
Fig. Left: 3D view of guiding-center motion in tokamak; Right: 2D poloidal view